High Performance Custom NDK Sea Kayaks
SKUK - Nigel Dennis Designs
NDK makes a performance sea kayak to suit every paddler on the water. NDK kayaks are the first choice for coaches, guides and recreational paddlers alike.
Simply the best Sea Kayaks in the world.
NDK Performance Sea Kayaks
Design Your New NDK Sea Kayak Now, Paddle Spring 2024
Orders are now being taken for delivery in the spring.
50% deposit when order placed, the balance on collection.
If you are unsure which NDK Kayak model, custom features or lay up to order hit the learn more button or call 250 710 7693
Still not sure which NDK model is right for you? Book a demo paddle in Mill bay, all models available.
Kayak custom options include; fiberglass, 50/50 and full carbon kevlar lay - ups, keelstrip, fitted compass, custom bulkhead, plus fantastic custom colour combinations.